Man kann Heute folgende Meldung lesen:
The Tromsø Olympiad Organizing Committee (COT2014) has today
taken the following decision:
“Teams that failed to submit their participation by the
deadline of 1st June will not be accepted as participants of the Tromsø Chess
The decision is based on the Olympiad Regulations (OR) 3.6.1
and 3.7.1. The COT2014 does not acknowledge that FIDE has the right to make
changes that are contrary to the OR just weeks before the Olympiad takes place.
Es soll 10 Teams betreffen, darunter die Damen aus Rußland. Die FIDE hatte eine verspätete Meldung akzeptiert, das OK nicht. Ob da das letzte Wort gesprochen ist, wird sich zeigen.
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